Source code for lsst.validate.base.measurement

# See COPYRIGHT file at the top of the source tree.
from __future__ import print_function, division

import abc
import uuid

import astropy.units as u
from .datummixin import DatumAttributeMixin
from .jsonmixin import JsonSerializationMixin
from .blob import BlobBase, DeserializedBlob
from .datum import Datum, QuantityAttributeMixin
from .metric import Metric

__all__ = ['MeasurementBase', 'DeserializedMeasurement']

[docs]class MeasurementBase(QuantityAttributeMixin, JsonSerializationMixin, DatumAttributeMixin): """Base class for Measurement classes. This class isn't instantiated directly. Instead, developers should subclass `MeasurementBase` to create measurement classes for each metric being measured. Subclasses must (at least) implement the following attributes: - `metric` (set to a `Metric` instance). - `spec_name` (if applicable). - `filter_name` (if applicable). Subclasses are also responsible for assiging the measurement's value to the `quantity` attribute (as an `astropy.units.Quantity`). .. seealso:: The :ref:`validate-base-measurement-class` page shows how to create measurement classes using `MeasurementBase`. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta parameters = None """`dict` containing all input parameters used by this measurement. Parameters are `Datum` instances. Parameter values can be accessed and updated as instance attributes named after the parameter. """ extras = None """`dict` containing all measurement by-products (called *extras*) that have been registered for serialization. Extras are `Datum` instances. Values of extras can also be accessed and updated as instance attributes named after the extra. """ spec_name = None """Name of the specification level (e.g., 'design,' 'minimum,' 'stretch') that this measurement represents. `None` if this measurement applies to all specification levels. """ filter_name = None """Name of the optical filter for the observations this measurement was made from. `None` if a measurement is not filter-dependent. """ def __init__(self): self._quantity = None self.parameters = {} self.extras = {} self._linked_blobs = {} self._id = uuid.uuid4().hex self.spec_name = None self.filter_name = None def __getattr__(self, key): if key in self.parameters: # Requesting a serializable parameter return self.parameters[key].quantity elif key in self.extras: return self.extras[key].quantity elif key in self._linked_blobs: return self._linked_blobs[key] else: raise AttributeError("%r object has no attribute %r" % (self.__class__, key)) def __setattr__(self, key, value): # avoiding __setattr__ loops by not handling names in _bootstrap _bootstrap = ('parameters', 'extras', '_linked_blobs') if key not in _bootstrap and isinstance(value, BlobBase): self._linked_blobs[key] = value elif key not in _bootstrap and self.parameters is not None and \ key in self.parameters: # Setting value of a serializable parameter self.parameters[key].quantity = value elif key not in _bootstrap and self.extras is not None and \ key in self.extras: # Setting value of a serializable measurement extra self.extras[key].quantity = value else: super(MeasurementBase, self).__setattr__(key, value) @property def blobs(self): """`dict` of blobs attached to this measurement instance.""" return self._linked_blobs @property def identifier(self): """Unique UUID4-based identifier for this measurement (`str`).""" return self._id
[docs] def register_parameter(self, param_key, quantity=None, label=None, description=None, datum=None): """Register a measurement input parameter attribute. The value of the parameter can either be set at registration time (see ``quantity`` argument), or later by setting the object's attribute named ``param_key``. The value of a parameter can always be accessed through the object's attribute named after the provided ``param_key``. Parameters are stored as `Datum` objects, which can be accessed through the `parameters` attribute `dict`. Parameters ---------- param_key : `str` Name of the parameter; used as the key in the `parameters` attribute of this object. quantity : `astropy.units.Quantity`, `str` or `bool`. Value of the parameter. label : `str`, optional Label suitable for plot axes (without units). By default the ``param_key`` is used as the `label`. Setting this ``label`` argument overrides that default. description : `str`, optional Extended description of the parameter. datum : `Datum`, optional If a `Datum` is provided, its quantity, label and description are be used unless overriden by other arguments to this method. """ self._register_datum_attribute(self.parameters, param_key, quantity=quantity, label=label, description=description, datum=datum)
[docs] def register_extra(self, extra_key, quantity=None, unit=None, label=None, description=None, datum=None): """Register a measurement extra---a by-product of a metric measurement. The value of the extra can either be set at registration time (see ``quantity`` argument), or later by setting the object's attribute named ``extra_key``. The value of an extra can always be accessed through the object's attribute named after ``extra_key``. Extras are stored as `Datum` objects, which can be accessed through the `parameters` attribute `dict`. Parameters ---------- extra_key : `str` Name of the extra; used as the key in the `extras` attribute of this object. quantity : `astropy.units.Quantity`, `str`, or `bool` Value of the extra. label : `str`, optional Label suitable for plot axes (without units). By default the ``extra_key`` is used as the ``label``. Setting this label argument overrides both of these. description : `str`, optional Extended description. datum : `Datum`, optional If a `Datum` is provided, its value, label and description will be used unless overriden by other arguments to `register_extra`. """ self._register_datum_attribute(self.extras, extra_key, quantity=quantity, label=label, description=description, datum=datum)
@property def metric(self): """`Metric` that this measurement is associated to. """ try: return self._metric except AttributeError: raise AttributeError('`metric` attribute not set in {0}'.format(self.__class__)) @metric.setter def metric(self, value): assert isinstance(value, Metric) self._metric = value @property def label(self): """Name of the `Metric` associated with this measurement (`str`).""" return @property def datum(self): """Representation of this measurement as a `Datum`.""" return Datum(self.quantity, label=self.label, description=self.metric.description) @property def json(self): """A `dict` that can be serialized as semantic SQUASH JSON.""" if isinstance(self.quantity, u.Quantity): _value = self.quantity.value else: _value = self.quantity blob_ids = {k: b.identifier for k, b in self._linked_blobs.items()} object_doc = {'metric': self.metric, 'identifier': self.identifier, 'value': _value, 'unit': self.unit_str, 'parameters': self.parameters, 'extras': self.extras, 'blobs': blob_ids, 'spec_name': self.spec_name, 'filter_name': self.filter_name} json_doc = JsonSerializationMixin.jsonify_dict(object_doc) return json_doc @classmethod
[docs] def from_json(cls, json_data, blobs_json=None): """Construct a measurement from a JSON dataset. Parameters ---------- json_data : `dict` Measurement JSON object. blobs_json : `list` JSON serialization of blobs. This is the ``blobs`` object produced by `Job.json`. Returns ------- measurement : `MeasurementBase`-type Measurement from JSON. """ q = cls._rebuild_quantity(json_data['value'], json_data['unit']) parameters = {k: Datum.from_json(v) for k, v in json_data['parameters'].items()} extras = {k: Datum.from_json(v) for k, v in json_data['extras'].items()} linked_blobs = {} if blobs_json is not None: for k, id_ in json_data['blobs'].items(): for blob_doc in blobs_json: if blob_doc['identifier'] == id_: blob = DeserializedBlob.from_json(blob_doc) linked_blobs[k] = blob m = cls(quantity=q, id_=json_data['identifier'], metric=Metric.from_json(json_data['metric']), parameters=parameters, linked_blobs=linked_blobs, extras=extras, spec_name=json_data['spec_name'], filter_name=json_data['filter_name']) return m
[docs] def check_spec(self, name): """Check this measurement against a `Specification` level, of the `Metric`. Parameters ---------- name : `str` `Specification` level name. Returns ------- passed : `bool` `True` if the measurement meets the `Specification` level, `False` otherwise. Notes ----- Internally this method retrieves the `Specification` object, filtering first by the ``name``, but also by this object's `filter_name` attribute if specifications are filter-dependent. """ return self.metric.check_spec(self.quantity, name, filter_name=self.filter_name)
[docs]class DeserializedMeasurement(MeasurementBase): """Measurement deserialized from JSON. For internal use only. """ metric = None def __init__(self, quantity=None, id_=None, metric=None, parameters=None, extras=None, linked_blobs=None, spec_name=None, filter_name=None): MeasurementBase.__init__(self) if linked_blobs is not None: self._linked_blobs = linked_blobs if parameters is not None: self.parameters = parameters if extras is not None: self.extras = extras self.metric = metric self._quantity = quantity self._id = id_ self.spec_name = spec_name self.filter_name = filter_name