
class lsst.validate.base.Job(measurements=None, blobs=None)[source]

Bases: lsst.validate.base.jsonmixin.JsonSerializationMixin

A Job wraps all measurements and blob metadata associated with a validation run.

Measurements and blobs can be added both during initialization, or anytime afterwards with the register_measurement and register_blob methods.

The get_measurement method lets you search for a stored measurement based on the Metric name (and filter or specification name, if the measurement is dependent on those).

Use the Job.json attribute to access a json-serializable dict of all measurements and blobs associated with the Job.

A Job can only contain measurements against one dataset at a time. Typically, Jobs are uploaded to SQUASH separately for each tested dataset.


measurements : list, optional

List of MeasurementBase-derived objects. Additional measurements can be added with the register_measurement method.

blobs : list, optional

List of BlobBase-derived objects. Additional blobs can be added with the register_blob method.

Attributes Summary

blobs Blob iterator.
json Job data as a JSON-serialiable dict.
measurements Measurement iterator.
metric_names Names of Metrics measured in this Job (list).
spec_levels list of names of specification levels that are available for

Methods Summary

from_json(json_data) Construct a Job and constituent objects from a JSON dataset.
get_measurement(metric_name[, spec_name, ...]) Get a measurement corresponding to the given criteria.
jsonify_dict(d) Recursively build JSON-renderable objects on all values in a dict.
register_blob(b) Add a blob object to the Job.
register_measurement(m) Add a measurement object to the Job.
write_json(filepath) Write JSON to a file.

Attributes Documentation


Blob iterator.


Job data as a JSON-serialiable dict.


Measurement iterator.


Names of Metrics measured in this Job (list).


list of names of specification levels that are available for Metrics measured in this Job.

Methods Documentation

classmethod from_json(json_data)[source]

Construct a Job and constituent objects from a JSON dataset.


json_data : dict

Job JSON object (as produced by json).


job : Job-type

Job from JSON.

get_measurement(metric_name, spec_name=None, filter_name=None)[source]

Get a measurement corresponding to the given criteria.


metric_name : str

Name of the Metric for the requested measurement.

spec_name : str, optional

Name of the specification level if the measurement algorithm is dependent on the specification level of a metric.

filter_name : str, optional

Name of the optical filter if the measurement is specific to a filter.


measurement : MeasurementBase-type object

The single measurement instance that fulfills the search criteria.



Raised when a measurement cannot be found, either because no such measurement exists or because the request is ambiguous (spec_name or filter_name need to be set).


Recursively build JSON-renderable objects on all values in a dict.


d : dict

Dictionary ito convert into a JSON-serializable object. Values are recursively JSON-ified.


json_dict : dict

Dictionary that can be serialized to JSON.


Subclasses can use this method to prepare output in their json-method implementation. For example:

def json(self):
    return JsonSerializationMixin.jsonify_dict({
    'value': self.value,

Add a blob object to the Job.


b : BlobBase-type object

A blob object.


Add a measurement object to the Job.

Registering a measurement also automatically registers all linked blobs.


m : MeasurementBase-type object

A measurement object.


Write JSON to a file.


filepath : str

Destination file name for JSON output.